A Vintage Gold Plated Lotus Blossom Pendant, MMA 1976, 1976
- Dieses Objekt ist für den kostenlosen Versand in die USA und für den internationalen Versand gegen eine Pauschalgebühr von 60 $ qualifiziert.
This vintage gold-plated lotus pendant was part of the 1976 Metropolitan Museum of Art's Treasures of Tutankhamun Exhibit. It has recently been strung as a necklace using amethyst round beads, with gold-plated spacers.
The water lily, called a lotus by the Greeks and Romans, grew abundantly in the Faiyum and Delta marshes and in pools and canals along the Nile Valley. Two types, the blue and the white, were represented in Egyptian art. The blue lotus, with its delicate perfume, was the most sacred. It suggested the perfume of divine life. A papyrus text from Dendera tells us that "the sun, which was from the beginning, rises like a hawk from the midst of its lotus bud", relating the lotus to the creation of the world. The lotus is the floral emblem of Upper Egypt.
In honor of the Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition that traveled to seven American cities between 1976 and 1979, the Metropolitan Museum of Art commissioned 100 pieces of commemorative jewelry duplicated from King Tut's tomb. The Met sent eight staff members to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to cast replicas directly from the artifacts, making this pendant the most accurate reproduction ever created.
Medium: Gold plate, amethyst
Dimensions: Pendant length: 1 1/2 inches (3.8 cm), Necklace length: 18 inches, Drop length: 10 inches (25.4 cm)
Condition: The pendant is very good vintage condition, all beads are new and unworn.
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