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Many New Kingdom bead types are based on flowers or their buds. These elements are found in single strands of beads as well as broad collars, although flowers as components of broad collars seem to be most common after Hatshepsut's time.
Two of the most popular floral beads depict the buds of poppies and of cornflowers, such as this lovely necklace. Hand-carved from carnelian, a stone believed to hold magical powers, or red jasper, a stone considered par excellence by the Egyptians, these flowers were staples of the Egyptian garden and were used to fashion fresh bouquets for shrines and floral broad collars. This rare gold and carnelian necklace consists of tiny gold beads interspersed with red and orange carnelian poppy beads.
The Egyptian name for red jasper is khenmet, to delight, linking the positive aspects of red with connotations of energy, dynamism, power, and even life itself. They believed carnelian was endowed with magical powers; it caused the blood to circulate smoothly throughout the body, made the skin healthy and youthful, and was capable of warding off evil. cf: MMA #40.9.26.
Medium: Carnelian, red jasper, gold
Dimensions: Length: 18 inches (45.7 cm)
Condition: Some beads with minor chipping to the base that does not detract, they are otherwise intact and in excellent condition overall. The necklace has been recently restrung with a later 18K gold clasp.
Provenance: Goddard (1869-1925) and Josephine Cook DuBois (1864-1961) Collection USA (part) acquired in Egypt, circa 1901-1907; thence by descent to grandson George DuBois, then passed to his wife Judith on his death; by descent to the present owner.
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