A Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CE
Angebot950 USD
Mixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CE
Angebot750 USD
A Pair of Roman Gold Amphora Earrings, ca. 1st -2nd century CE
Angebot5,950 USD
An Egyptian Amethyst Scaraboid, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCE
Angebot2,950 USD
Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976
Angebot995 USD
A fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CE
Angebot1,500 USD
An Egyptian Stone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Angebot2,950 USD
An Egyptian Stone Cat Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Angebot950 USD
A Parthian Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 600 CE
Angebot1,950 USD
A fine Taino stone celt, ca. 7th - 15th century CE
Angebot1,500 USD
Ein feiner Vogelanhänger aus Sinú-Gold, ca. 500 - 1000 n. Chr
Angebot2,500 USD