A rare Roman Silver Needle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
Sale price$2,432.00 AUD
An Exhibited Egyptian Terracotta Bes Pot, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
Sale price$8,024.00 AUD
An Egyptian PreDynastic Nile Clay Cylindrical Jar, Pre-Dynastic Period, ca. 3100 - 3000 BCE
Sale price$4,053.00 AUD
A Rare Luristan Silver Master of Animals Finial, ca. 8th century BCE
Sale price$15,399.00 AUD
A fine Egyptian Faience Janus Amulet of Pataikos, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price$12,157.00 AUD
A Royal Egyptian Glazed Steatite Scarab for Amasis II, Dynasty 26, ca. 570 – 526 BCE
Sale price$2,432.00 AUD
An Egyptian Serpentine Inscribed Scaraboid of a Recumbent Ram, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
Sale price$2,837.00 AUD
A large Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price$5,674.00 AUD
A good Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price$4,855.00 AUD
A Chinese Grey Limestone Head of a Buddha, Shandong Province, Northern Qi dynasty, ca. 550 - 577 CE
Sale price$24,233.00 AUD
An Egyptian Red Jasper Trussed Ox Amulet, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1069 BCE
Sale price$4,458.00 AUD
An Exhibited Egyptian Faience Amulet, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069 - 945 BCE
Sale price$4,782.00 AUD
A Mayan Stone Deer Hacha, ca. 500 - 800 CE
Sale price$14,507.00 AUD
A rare Egyptian Epsilon Copper Battle Axe, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11- 12, ca. 2040 - 1786 BCE
Sale price$8,915.00 AUD
A Moche Terracotta Corn Popper Vessel, Middle Horizon Period, ca. 500 - 700 CE
Sale price$2,432.00 AUD
A rare Near Eastern Bronze Crescent Axehead, ca. 1100 - 900 BCE
Sale price$12,968.00 AUD
A large Chinese Painted Pottery Court Lady, Tang Dynasty,
ca. mid 8th century CE
Sale price$12,157.00 AUD
ca. mid 8th century CE
An exhibited Egyptian Green Serpentine Heart Scarab, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
Sale price$26,745.00 AUD
A large Roman Legionnaire Pugio (Dagger), Roman Imperial, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
Sale price$32,418.00 AUD
An East Greek Silver Phiale (Libation Bowl), Archaic Period, ca. 6th century BCE
Sale price$9,321.00 AUD
An Etruscan Terracotta Antefix, ca. 6th century BCE
Sale price$12,157.00 AUD
A fine Persian Bronze fitting of Capricornus, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCE
Sale price$8,024.00 AUD
A Superb Sinu Gold Pectoral Necklace, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
Sale price$40,523.00 AUD
A superb Moche-Chimu Silvered Pectoral, ca. 800 - 1250 CE
Sale price$24,314.00 AUD
An exhibited Faience Amulet of Khonsu, 21st Dynasty,
ca. 1069 - 945 BCE
Sale price$4,458.00 AUD
ca. 1069 - 945 BCE
A rare pair of Apulian bronze Ankle Greaves,
ca. 5th - 4th century BCE
Sale price$35,660.00 AUD
ca. 5th - 4th century BCE
An Egyptian Blue Glazed Faience Ushabti for Nes-Ptah, Late Period, 30th Dynasty, ca. 380-332 BCE
Sale price$19,451.00 AUD
A rare Egyptian Copper Dagger
Middle Kingdom, 9th - 11th Dynasty, ca. 2160 - 2030 BCE
Sale price$40,523.00 AUD
Middle Kingdom, 9th - 11th Dynasty, ca. 2160 - 2030 BCE
A fine Luristan Bronze Short Sword
ca. 1200 - 800 BCE
Sale price$19,451.00 AUD
ca. 1200 - 800 BCE
A good Palmyrene Limestone Portrait Head of a Youth
ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
Sale price$40,523.00 AUD
ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
A long Egyptian demotic inscribed mummy linen fragment
Late Period, ca. 664-332 BCE
Sale price$6,079.00 AUD
Late Period, ca. 664-332 BCE
A fine Egyptian Bronze Toilet Mirror, Middle Kingdom, ca. 1938 - 1758 BCE
Sale price$12,157.00 AUD
A fine Greco-Roman Bronze Ladle of Pompeian style
ca. 1st century BCE/CE
Sale price$8,024.00 AUD
ca. 1st century BCE/CE
A Roman Glass and Quartz Bead Necklace
Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 3rd - 4th century CE
Sale price$4,782.00 AUD
Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 3rd - 4th century CE
A rare Chinese Green-Stone Mace Head, Neolithic Period, ca. 3000 - 2000 BCE
Sale price$5,674.00 AUD
An Exhibited Amlash Bronze Mountain Goat, ca. 7th - 5th century BCE
Sale price$16,128.00 AUD
A rare set of Chimu Silver Roundel Medallions, Early Intermediate/Middle Horizon, ca. 500 CE
Sale price$28,366.00 AUD
A Published Megarian Ware Pottery Bowl, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd century BCE
Sale price$3,648.00 AUD
An Etruscan Terracotta Votive Head of A Goddess,
ca. 4th - 3rd century BCE
Sale price$13,778.00 AUD
ca. 4th - 3rd century BCE
An Egyptian Sacred Animal Mummy of an Ibis, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price$16,128.00 AUD
A large Persian Crescent Shaped Gold Pendant Necklace, Seljuk Period, ca. 11th - 12th century CE
Sale price$29,177.00 AUD
A Chinese Sancai Glazed Pottery Horse, Tang Dynasty, ca. 618 - 906 CE
Sale price$24,314.00 AUD
A Greek Bronze Zoster (Warriors Belt), Geometric Period, ca. 8th century BCE
Sale price$8,915.00 AUD
An impressive Andesite Human Trophy Head, Costa Rica, ca. 1000 - 1500 CE
Sale price$2,837.00 AUD
A Narino Hammered Gold Pectoral,
ca. 500 - 1000 CE
Sale price$13,778.00 AUD
ca. 500 - 1000 CE