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130 products


A rare Roman Silver Needle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA rare Roman Silver Needle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
An Exhibited Egyptian Terracotta Bes Pot, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCEAn Exhibited Egyptian Terracotta Bes Pot, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
An Egyptian PreDynastic Nile Clay Cylindrical Jar, Pre-Dynastic Period, ca. 3100 - 3000 BCEAn Egyptian PreDynastic Nile Clay Cylindrical Jar, Pre-Dynastic Period, ca. 3100 - 3000 BCE
A Rare Luristan Silver Master of Animals Finial, ca. 8th century BCEA Rare Luristan Silver Master of Animals Finial, ca. 8th century BCE
A fine Egyptian Faience Janus Amulet of Pataikos, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEA fine Egyptian Faience Janus Amulet of Pataikos, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A Royal Egyptian Glazed Steatite Scarab for Amasis II, Dynasty 26, ca. 570 – 526 BCEA Royal Egyptian Glazed Steatite Scarab for Amasis II, Dynasty 26, ca. 570 – 526 BCE
An Egyptian Serpentine Inscribed Scaraboid of a Recumbent Ram, 18th Dynasty,  ca. 1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Serpentine Inscribed Scaraboid of a Recumbent Ram, 18th Dynasty,  ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
A large Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEA large Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A good Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEA good Egyptian Greenstone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
An Egyptian Steatite Scarab of a Royal hunting scene, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Steatite Scarab of a Royal hunting scene, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCE
A Chinese Grey Limestone Head of a Buddha, Shandong Province, Northern Qi dynasty, ca. 550 - 577 CEA Chinese Grey Limestone Head of a Buddha, Shandong Province, Northern Qi dynasty, ca. 550 - 577 CE
An Egyptian Red Jasper Trussed Ox Amulet, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1069 BCEAn Egyptian Red Jasper Trussed Ox Amulet, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1069 BCE
SOLDAn Exhibited Egyptian Faience Amulet, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069 - 945 BCEAn Exhibited Egyptian Faience Amulet, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069 - 945 BCE
A Mayan Stone Deer Hacha, ca. 500 - 800 CEA Mayan Stone Deer Hacha, ca. 500 - 800 CE
An Exhibited Egyptian Faience Broad Collar Necklace, Late Old Kingdom, ca. 2345–2181 BCEA rare Egyptian Faience Broad Collar Necklace, Late Old Kingdom, ca. 2345–2181 BCE - Sands of Time Ancient Art
A rare Egyptian Epsilon Copper Battle Axe, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11- 12, ca. 2040 - 1786 BCEA rare Egyptian Epsilon Copper Battle Axe, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 11- 12, ca. 2040 - 1786 BCE
A Moche Terracotta Corn Popper Vessel, Middle Horizon Period, ca. 500 - 700 CEA Moche Terracotta Corn Popper Vessel, Middle Horizon Period, ca. 500 - 700 CE
A rare Near Eastern Bronze Crescent Axehead, ca. 1100 - 900 BCEA rare Near Eastern Bronze Crescent Axehead, ca. 1100 - 900 BCE
A large Chinese Painted Pottery Court Lady, Tang Dynasty, <br><em>ca. mid 8th century CE</em>A large Chinese Painted Pottery Court Lady, Tang Dynasty, <br><em>ca. mid 8th century CE</em>
An exhibited Egyptian Green Serpentine Heart Scarab, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCEAn exhibited Egyptian Green Serpentine Heart Scarab, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
A large Roman Legionnaire Pugio (Dagger), Roman Imperial, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CEA large Roman Legionnaire Pugio (Dagger), Roman Imperial, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
An Important Persian Eye Agate Pectoral, Parthian Period, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CEAn Important Persian Eye Agate Pectoral, Parthian Period, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CE
An East Greek Silver Phiale (Libation Bowl), Archaic Period, ca. 6th century BCEAn East Greek Silver Phiale (Libation Bowl), Archaic Period, ca. 6th century BCE
An Etruscan Terracotta Antefix, ca. 6th century BCEAn Etruscan Terracotta Antefix, ca. 6th century BCE
A fine Persian Bronze fitting of Capricornus, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCEA fine Persian Bronze fitting of Capricornus, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCE
A Superb Sinu Gold Pectoral Necklace, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA Superb Sinu Gold Pectoral Necklace, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A superb Moche-Chimu Silvered Pectoral, ca. 800 - 1250 CEA superb Moche-Chimu Silvered Pectoral, ca. 800 - 1250 CE
An exhibited Faience Amulet of Khonsu, 21st Dynasty, <br><em>ca. 1069 - 945 BCE</em>An exhibited Faience Amulet of Khonsu, 21st Dynasty, <br><em>ca. 1069 - 945 BCE</em>
A rare pair of Apulian bronze Ankle Greaves, <br><em>ca. 5th - 4th century BCE</em>A rare pair of Apulian bronze Ankle Greaves, <br><em>ca. 5th - 4th century BCE</em>
An Egyptian Blue Glazed Faience Ushabti for Nes-Ptah, Late Period, 30th Dynasty, ca. 380-332 BCEAn Egyptian Blue Glazed Faience Ushabti for Nes-Ptah, Late Period, 30th Dynasty, ca. 380-332 BCE
A rare Egyptian Copper Dagger<br><em>Middle Kingdom, 9th - 11th Dynasty, ca. 2160 - 2030 BCE</em>A rare Egyptian Copper Dagger<br><em>Middle Kingdom, 9th - 11th Dynasty, ca. 2160 - 2030 BCE</em>
A fine Luristan Bronze Short Sword<br><em>ca. 1200 - 800 BCE</em>A fine Luristan Bronze Short Sword<br><em>ca. 1200 - 800 BCE</em>
A good Palmyrene Limestone Portrait Head of a Youth<br><em>ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE</em>A good Palmyrene Limestone Portrait Head of a Youth<br><em>ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE</em>
A long Egyptian demotic inscribed mummy linen fragment<br><em>Late Period, ca. 664-332 BCE</em>A long Egyptian demotic inscribed mummy linen fragment<br><em>Late Period, ca. 664-332 BCE</em>
A fine Egyptian Bronze Toilet Mirror, Middle Kingdom, ca. 1938 - 1758 BCEA fine Egyptian Bronze Toilet Mirror, Middle Kingdom, ca. 1938 - 1758 BCE
A fine Greco-Roman Bronze Ladle of Pompeian style<br><em>ca. 1st century BCE/CE</em>A fine Greco-Roman Bronze Ladle of Pompeian style<br><em>ca. 1st century BCE/CE</em>
A Roman Glass and Quartz Bead Necklace<br><em>Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 3rd - 4th century CE</em>A Roman Glass and Quartz Bead Necklace<br><em>Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 3rd - 4th century CE</em>
A rare Chinese Green-Stone Mace Head, Neolithic Period, ca. 3000 - 2000 BCEA rare Chinese Green-Stone Mace Head, Neolithic Period, ca. 3000 - 2000 BCE
An Exhibited Amlash Bronze Mountain Goat, ca. 7th - 5th century BCEAn Exhibited Amlash Bronze Mountain Goat, ca. 7th - 5th century BCE
A rare set of Chimu Silver Roundel Medallions, Early Intermediate/Middle Horizon, ca. 500 CE
A Published Megarian Ware Pottery Bowl, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd century BCEA Published Megarian Ware Pottery Bowl, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd century BCE
An Etruscan Terracotta Votive Head of A Goddess, <br><em>ca. 4th - 3rd century BCE</em>
An Egyptian Sacred Animal Mummy of an Ibis, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Sacred Animal Mummy of an Ibis, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A large Persian Crescent Shaped Gold Pendant Necklace, Seljuk Period, ca. 11th - 12th century CE
A Chinese Sancai Glazed Pottery Horse, Tang Dynasty, ca. 618 - 906 CEA Chinese Sancai Glazed Pottery Horse, Tang Dynasty, ca. 618 - 906 CE
A Greek Bronze Zoster (Warriors Belt), Geometric Period, ca. 8th century BCEA Greek Bronze Zoster (Warriors Belt), Geometric Period, ca. 8th century BCE
An impressive Andesite Human Trophy Head, Costa Rica, ca. 1000 - 1500 CEAn impressive Andesite Human Trophy Head, Costa Rica, ca. 1000 - 1500 CE
A Narino Hammered Gold Pectoral, <br><em>ca. 500 - 1000 CE</em>A Narino Hammered Gold Pectoral, <br><em>ca. 500 - 1000 CE</em>

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