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tal·is·man  noun \ˈta-ləs-mən, -ləz-\

an object (such as a ring or stone) that is believed to have magic powers and to cause good things to happen to the person who has it.  :  an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune  :  something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects  (Merriam Webster Dictionary)


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222 products


An Egyptian Green Glazed Baboon Scaraboid, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Green Glazed Baboon Scaraboid, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCE
SOLDAn Egyptian Steatite Scarab for Ramesses III, ca. 1192 - 1160 BCEAn Egyptian Steatite Scarab for Ramesses III, ca. 1192 - 1160 BCE
A Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CEA Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CE
Mixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CEMixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CE
A Pair of Roman Gold Amphora Earrings, ca. 1st -2nd century CEA Pair of Roman Gold Amphora Earrings, ca. 1st -2nd century CE
An Egyptian Carnelian Poppy Bead Pendant, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Carnelian Poppy Bead Pendant, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
A fine Egyptian Faience Ushabti for Paaboumeh, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCEA fine Egyptian Faience Ushabti for Paaboumeh, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
A Persian Carnelian Dome Seal set as a Pendant, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCEA Persian Carnelian Dome Seal set as a Pendant, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCE
An Egyptian Amethyst Scaraboid, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCEAn Egyptian Amethyst Scaraboid, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCE
Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976
An Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CEA fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CE
An Egyptian Cowrie Shell Fertility Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCEAn Egyptian Cowrie Shell Fertility Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCE
An Egyptian Stone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Stone Heart Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
An Egyptian Stone Cat Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332  BCEAn Egyptian Stone Cat Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332  BCE
An Egyptian Faience Wedjat Eye, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Faience Wedjat Eye, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A pair of east Roman Amphora Pendants set as Earrings, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CEA pair of east Roman Amphora Pendants set as Earrings, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CE
A Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone of Mercury, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CEA Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone of Mercury, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
A pair of Greek gold Pendant earrings, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd - 1st century BCEA pair of Greek gold Pendant earrings, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd - 1st century BCE
A Parthian Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 600 CEA Parthian Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 600 CE
A Pair of Roman garnet earrings, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Pair of Roman garnet earrings, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
A fine Taino stone celt, ca. 7th - 15th century CEA fine Taino stone celt, ca. 7th - 15th century CE
A Chancay Atl Atl Counter Balance in the form of a Duck, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA Chancay Atl Atl Counter Balance in the form of a Duck, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CEA Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
An exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CEAn exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE
A Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CEA Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CE
An Egyptian Royal Steatite Cylinder Seal for Amenemhet II, 12th Dynasty, time of Amenemhet II, ca 1929 – 1895 BCEAn Egyptian Royal Steatite Cylinder Seal for Amenemhet II, 12th Dynasty, time of Amenemhet II, ca 1929 – 1895 BCE
A Roman Gold Shield Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CEA Roman Gold Shield Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
A Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Athens, Classical Period, ca. 440-404 BCEA Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Athens, Classical Period, ca. 440-404 BCE
A fine Sinú Gold Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA fine Sinú Gold Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A Published Parthian Gold Bead Necklace, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CE
An Egyptian bright blue glazed shabti for Meret-Amun, 21st Dynasty, Thebes, Deir el Bahri Cache II, ca. 990 - 970 BCEAn Egyptian bright blue glazed shabti for Meret-Amun, 21st Dynasty, Thebes, Deir el Bahri Cache II, ca. 990 - 970 BCE
A Costa Rican Jade Rectangular Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CEA Costa Rican Jade Rectangular Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CE
A Balochistan Black Steatite Three-Sided Stamp Seal, ca. 2nd - 1st millennium BCEA Balochistan Black Steatite Three-Sided Stamp Seal, ca. 2nd - 1st millennium BCE
A rare Egyptian Glass Pomegranate Pendant, New Kingdom, Amarna Period , ca. 1353 - 1336 BCEA rare Egyptian Glass Pomegranate Pendant, New Kingdom, Amarna Period , ca. 1353 - 1336 BCE
SOLDAn Egyptian Bronze Fragmentary Status of Isis, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCEAn Egyptian Bronze Fragmentary Status of Isis, Late Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 - 525 BCE
An Egyptian Bright Blue Faience Shabti for the Lady Djedkhonsuiwesankh, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCEAn Egyptian Bright Blue Faience Shabti for the Lady Djedkhonsuiwesankh, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCE
A fine Egyptian Faience Winged Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEA fine Egyptian Faience Winged Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A Costa Rican Jadeite Bird-Celt Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 100 - 600 CEA Costa Rican Jadeite Bird-Celt Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 100 - 600 CE
An Egyptian Glass Ear Plug Pendant Necklace, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Glass Ear Plug Pendant Necklace, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
A rare Egyptian Steatite Cylinder Seal with Anubis, Early Dynastic Period - Old Kingdom, ca.  3000 - 2750 BCEA rare Egyptian Steatite Cylinder Seal with Anubis, Early Dynastic Period - Old Kingdom, ca.  3000 - 2750 BCE
A Near Eastern Marble Cylinder bead pendant, ca. 1st millennium BCEA Near Eastern Marble Cylinder bead pendant, ca. 1st millennium BCE
A Costa Rican Jade Locust/Grasshopper, ca. 300 - 900 CEA Costa Rican Jade Locust/Grasshopper, ca. 300 - 900 CE
An Egyptian Turquoise Faience Shabti, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCEAn Egyptian Turquoise Faience Shabti, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCE
A Greek Gold Bead Pendant, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd - 1st century BCEA Greek Gold Bead Pendant, Hellenistic Period, ca. 3rd - 1st century BCE
A rare Egyptian Faience Royal Shabti for Prince Hornakht, Libyan Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca.  1388 - 1351/50 BCEA rare Egyptian Faience Royal Shabti for Prince Hornakht, Libyan Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca.  1388 - 1351/50 BCE
A large Egyptian Bronze Figure of Nephthys, Late - Ptolemaic Period, ca. 664 - 30 BCEA large Egyptian Bronze Figure of Nephthys, Late - Ptolemaic Period, ca. 664 - 30 BCE
Two Egyptian Diorite Wedjat Amulets, set as earrings, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCETwo Egyptian Diorite Wedjat Amulets, set as earrings, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE

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