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Carved from fine blue-green jade into the form of a horned owl, with a large triangular beak, drilled eyes, a band of diagonal lines representing a textile headdress, and tufted feathers on top of the head, the wings folded against the body, and both feet are rendered with individual claws. A hole is drilled through the neck for suspension. Jade pendants were revered as status symbols throughout the ancient Americas, from southern Mexico to the Northern Andes.
Considered the ultimate "Dream Stone," jade was thought to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and help interpret dreams. Most valued for its metaphysical properties, it was cherished as a protective talisman, assuring long life and peaceful death, and was considered a powerful healing stone. The vibrant green variations are a symbol of growth and vitality, which makes it a stone that stands for wealth and longevity. Shamans and other clan leaders wore pendants carved into symbolic animal forms to demonstrate prowess, illustrate the wearer’s clan, or identify a shaman’s alter ego, as well as other talismanic properties such as protection and good fortune. Owls, like jaguars, were important to shamans -- they symbolized many of the traits shamans possessed. Owls are creatures of the night, traveling and hunting in the dark. Shamans were also believed to "travel" to the Otherworld and fight spiritual battles during the night. Additionally, owls were conduits to the Otherworld and were seen as helpers who would assist shamans to connect with the spirits and to utilize their power.
Medium: Jadeite
Dimensions: Height: 2 5/8 inches (6.6 cm), Width: 1 5/8 inches (4.12 cm)
Condition: Intact and in excellent condition.
Provenance: Private Midwest collection, acquired between 1969 and 1975, then by descent. Collection #26.120.
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