


Roman, Etruscan, Byzantine Art


此类别包括古罗马、拜占庭和伊特鲁里亚古物,时间跨度从公元前一千年直到公元 1453 年君士坦丁堡(帝国首都)陷落。


93 件产品


已售罄A Roman Red Jasper Intaglio of Leda and the Swan set as a ring, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Roman Red Jasper Intaglio of Leda and the Swan set as a ring, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
A Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Redware single handle Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Redware single handle Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Gold and Glass Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Roman Gold and Glass Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CETwo Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CETwo Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A group of seven Roman fresco fragments, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st century AD
A Pair of Roman Gold Amphora Earrings, ca. 1st -2nd century CEA Pair of Roman Gold Amphora Earrings, ca. 1st -2nd century CE
A good Roman Marble Sculpture of a Young Bacchus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CEA good Roman Marble Sculpture of a Young Bacchus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
Roman Septimius Severus Silver Denarius, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 194 - 195 CERoman Septimius Severus Silver Denarius, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 194 - 195 CE
Roman Severina Silver Billon Antoninianus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 270 - 275 CERoman Severina Silver Billon Antoninianus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 270 - 275 CE
A Roman Amethyst Bead Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
埃及千花马赛克玻璃珠,罗马帝国时期,约公元前/公元 1 世纪埃及千花马赛克玻璃珠,罗马帝国时期,约公元前/公元 1 世纪
A pair of Greek bronze Hydria Handles, Classical period, ca. 5th century BCEA pair of Greek bronze Hydria Handles, Classical period, ca. 5th century BCE
A Roman Shipwrecked Transport Amphora, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Shipwrecked Transport Amphora, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Late Roman Silver Spoon, Late Roman Period, ca. 3rd - 5th century CEA Late Roman Silver Spoon, Late Roman Period, ca. 3rd - 5th century CE
A good Roman Redware Platter, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA good Roman Redware Platter, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Redware Double Handled Pitcher, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Redware Double Handled Pitcher, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Lead Sling Bullet from the time of Julius Caesar, Late Roman Republic, ca. 46 BCE
A Roman Bronze Harness Loop for a Chariot, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 3rd century CEA Roman Bronze Harness Loop for a Chariot, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 3rd century CE
A pair of east Roman Amphora Pendants set as Earrings, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CEA pair of east Roman Amphora Pendants set as Earrings, ca. 1st century BCE - 1st century CE
A Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone of Mercury, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CEA Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone of Mercury, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
A Pair of Roman garnet earrings, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Pair of Roman garnet earrings, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
Roman Redware Oil Lamp, Byzantine Period, ca. 4th - 5th century CERoman Redware Oil Lamp, Byzantine Period, ca. 4th - 5th century CE
A Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CEA Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
An exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CEAn exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE
A Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CEA Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CE
已售罄A Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar Silver Denarius Pendant, Roman Republic, April-August 49 BCEA Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar Silver Denarius Pendant, Roman Republic, April-August 49 BCE
A Roman Gold Shield Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CEA Roman Gold Shield Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
A Roman Fresco Wall Painting Fragment, Early Roman Imperial Period, ca. 15 BCE - 50 CEA Roman Fresco Wall Painting Fragment, Early Roman Imperial Period, ca. 15 BCE - 50 CE
A large Greco-Roman Bronze Mirror, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial, ca. 100 BCE – 100 CEA large Greco-Roman Bronze Mirror, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial, ca. 100 BCE – 100 CE
Gold Earrings with Roman Amethyst Beads, Roman Imperial Period, ca 1st - 2nd century CEGold Earrings with Roman Amethyst Beads, Roman Imperial Period, ca 1st - 2nd century CE
A Roman Glass Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Roman Glass Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
一对拜占庭铜银战车配件,罗马帝国晚期,约公元 4 世纪一对拜占庭铜银战车配件,罗马帝国晚期,约公元 4 世纪
晚期罗马青铜油灯填料,晚期罗马时期,约公元 3 世纪晚期罗马青铜油灯填料,晚期罗马时期,约公元 3 世纪
大型斜体青铜眼镜腓骨,早期铁器时代,约公元前 10 至 7 世纪大型斜体青铜眼镜腓骨,早期铁器时代,约公元前 10 至 7 世纪
罗马玻璃千花珠,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪罗马玻璃千花珠,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪
罕见的罗马金医用刮匙,晚期罗马 - 拜占庭时期,约公元 3 至 8 世纪罕见的罗马金医用刮匙,晚期罗马 - 拜占庭时期,约公元 3 至 8 世纪
精美的罗马金和红玛瑙浮雕指环,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪精美的罗马金和红玛瑙浮雕指环,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪
罕见的罗马银针,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 至 2 世纪罕见的罗马银针,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 至 2 世纪
大型拜占庭玻璃烧瓶,约公元 4 至 5 世纪大型拜占庭玻璃烧瓶,约公元 4 至 5 世纪
罗马青铜鸭头油灯,罗马帝国时期,约公元 2 至 3 世纪罗马青铜鸭头油灯,罗马帝国时期,约公元 2 至 3 世纪
大型罗马军团士兵 Pugio(匕首),罗马帝国,约公元 2 至 3 世纪大型罗马军团士兵 Pugio(匕首),罗马帝国,约公元 2 至 3 世纪
一对罗马金和石榴石耳坠,约公元 1 世纪一对罗马金和石榴石耳坠,约公元 1 世纪
伊特鲁里亚陶制前饰,约公元前 6 世纪伊特鲁里亚陶制前饰,约公元前 6 世纪
大型 Daunian 漏斗形酒杯,<br><em>约公元前 4 世纪</em>大型 Daunian 漏斗形酒杯,<br><em>约公元前 4 世纪</em>
罗马孔雀石珠子吊坠,<br><em>罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪</em>罗马孔雀石珠子吊坠,<br><em>罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 世纪</em>
罗马绿色玻璃器皿,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 至 2 世纪罗马绿色玻璃器皿,罗马帝国时期,约公元 1 至 2 世纪

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