An Egyptian Limestone Relief, Old Kingdom, Dynasty V, ca. 2465 - 2323 BCE
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1002 Wisconsin Ave NW Front store Washington DC 20007 美国
A large beer-lovers relief! Originally from a mastaba and carved in raised relief in three registers, the top register providing pictorial elements of an offering list that refers to all types of ancient Egyptian beverages, in particular, beer.
From left to right, the text reads:
Mzt-food, 2 portions / Dsrt-drink, 2 portions (a type of beer) / Dsrt-iAtt-drink, 2 portions (a combination of beer and a milk drink) / HnKt beer, 2 portions (ordinary beer) / Khenmes-beer, 2 portions (a type of beer) / Sekhepet-drink, 2 portions / PxA-drink
the middle register with nine kneeling attendants, their arms extended, holding cups, the third register two standing priests flank three finely carved gesticulating figures, shown kneeling, above them, the text reads: “Transfigurations by the lector priests.”, referring to a type of ritual to make the deceased into the glorified dead.