A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE
A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE
A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE
A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE

A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE


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Painted Mayan pottery such as this example was used for feasting, ritual purposes, and as prestigious gifts given to emphasize the power of the giver and bind the recipient to them through a form of purchased loyalty. Maya kings and queens might give them to local governors. The artists who created them were also often minor royalty or nobility, especially the ones who could paint glyphs, as literacy was reserved for the Mayan elite. This large orangeware tripod plate is decorated within the central roundel with a standing dancer depicted in profile, wearing ceremonial costume. A register of glyphs rings the interior of the plate. The plate is supported by three hollow legs containing pellets that rattle when the plate is moved.

The dance of resurrection is depicted on this tripod plate. The Maya believed that after having defeated the lords of death, a person's resurrected soul danced out of the underworld. At resurrection, the person danced as, or became, the Young Corn God, employing the model of the re-emergence of corn every year in the milpa (corn field) as the metaphor for human resurrection after death. Such maize god renewal scenes are common on plates painted at Tikal and perhaps refer to the corn-based tamales served on such dishes. 

Medium: Ceramic, polychrome

Dimensions: Height: 3 1/2 inches (8.8 cm), Diameter: 11 inches (28 cm)

Condition: Scattered mineral deposits and root marks on the surface. Repaired from six large original pieces and one leg reattached. Some break lines are left visible with no in-painting to the decoration.  Professional cosmetic conservation can be arranged if required.

Provenance: Private Atlanta, Georgia collection, acquired by the current owner in the 1960’s. With copy of provenance letter from the owner.

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