An Egyptian Green Glazed Baboon Scaraboid, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
Sale price£1,022.00 GBP
A Judean Widows Mite Biblical Coin set as a pendant, ca. 103 - 76 BCE
Sale price£613.00 GBP
A Roman Redware single handle Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price£695.00 GBP
A Holy Land Ribbed Terracotta Amphora, ca. 1st millennium BCE
Sale price£777.00 GBP
An Egyptian Carnelian Bead set as a pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1730 BCE
Sale price£568.00 GBP
An Egyptian Steatite Scarab for Ramesses III, ca. 1192 - 1160 BCE
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Chinese Xindian Culture Painted Earthenware Jar, Neolithic Period, c. 1600–600 BCE
Sale price£814.00 GBP
A Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CE
Sale price£777.00 GBP
A Maya Jade Serpent Pendant, Classic Maya Period, ca. 500 - 800 CE
Sale price£1,631.00 GBP
An Egyptian Amethyst and Gold Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCE
Sale price£1,839.00 GBP
A Roman Gold and Glass Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
Sale price£1,635.00 GBP
Mixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CE
Sale price£613.00 GBP
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price£450.00 GBP
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price£450.00 GBP
A group of seven Roman fresco fragments, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st century AD
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
An Ottoman turquoise and garnet inlaid drop pendant, Ottoman Empire, ca. 15th - 17th century
Sale price£2,044.00 GBP
Mezcala M18 type Green Stone Figure, Late Preclassic Period, ca. 300 - 100 BCE
Sale price£1,839.00 GBP
A Vintage King Tut Cartouche Pendant necklace, MMA 1976
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
A Vintage Hathor Pendant Necklace, MMA 1978, 1978
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Vintage Gold Plated Ankh Pendant Necklace, MMA 1976
Sale price£981.00 GBP
An Egyptian Carnelian Poppy Bead Pendant, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Persian Carnelian Dome Seal set as a Pendant, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCE
Sale price£981.00 GBP
Roman Septimius Severus Silver Denarius, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 194 - 195 CE
Sale price£650.00 GBP
Roman Severina Silver Billon Antoninianus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 270 - 275 CE
Sale price£568.00 GBP
A Roman Amethyst Bead Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
Sale price£777.00 GBP
Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976
Sale price£814.00 GBP
A Vintage Scythian Gold-tone Stag Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 2000
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Vintage Gold Plated Lotus Blossom Pendant, MMA 1976, 1976
Sale price£814.00 GBP
A Vintage King Tut Gold-tone Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 1976
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
A Vintage King Tut Silver and Brass Leopard Head Pendant, MMA, 1976
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Vintage Egyptian-Style Silver Shell pendant, MMA 1976, 1976
Sale price£568.00 GBP
An Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price£1,839.00 GBP
A Vintage King Tut Silver Exhibition Ring, issued by MMA 1976.
Sale price£814.00 GBP
A fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CE
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
An Egyptian Cowrie Shell Fertility Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCE
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
A Mesopotamian Hematite Weight in the Form of a Shell, Neo-Babylonian Period, ca. 600 - 400 BCE
Sale price£1,431.00 GBP
A miniature Egyptian Breccia Model Vessel, Old Kingdom, ca. 2575 - 2134 BCE
Sale price£2,044.00 GBP
A Near Eastern Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 400 CE
Sale price£814.00 GBP
A Near Eastern Stamp Seal, Late Neolithic Period, ca. 5300 - 5100 BCE
Sale price£470.00 GBP
A good Roman Redware Platter, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price£981.00 GBP
A Roman Redware Double Handled Pitcher, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price£695.00 GBP
An Egyptian Faience Ithyphallic Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price£695.00 GBP
An Egyptian Alabaster Miniature Amphora, Old Kingdom, ca. 2649 - 2150 BCE
Sale price£1,226.00 GBP
A Costa Rican Jadeite Profile Monkey Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CE
Sale price£777.00 GBP
A large Cypriot White Slip Ware Milk Bowl, Late Bronze Age, ca. 1450 - 1250 BCE
Sale price£777.00 GBP
A Byzantine Sgraffito ware footed cup, 14th century CE
Sale price£777.00 GBP