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Great Gift Ideas

What could be more affordable?  Here is a small selection of the huge choice of fabulous ancient art.

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313 products


An Egyptian Green Glazed Baboon Scaraboid, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Green Glazed Baboon Scaraboid, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca.  1550 - 1295 BCE
A Judean Widows Mite Biblical Coin set as a pendant, ca. 103 - 76 BCEA Judean Widows Mite Biblical Coin set as a pendant, ca. 103 - 76 BCE
A Roman Redware single handle Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Redware single handle Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Holy Land Ribbed Terracotta Amphora, ca. 1st millennium BCEA Holy Land Ribbed Terracotta Amphora, ca. 1st millennium BCE
An Egyptian Carnelian Bead set as a pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1730 BCEAn Egyptian Carnelian Bead set as a pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1730 BCE
SOLDAn Egyptian Steatite Scarab for Ramesses III, ca. 1192 - 1160 BCEAn Egyptian Steatite Scarab for Ramesses III, ca. 1192 - 1160 BCE
A Chinese Xindian Culture Painted Earthenware Jar, Neolithic Period, c. 1600–600 BCEA Chinese Xindian Culture Painted Earthenware Jar, Neolithic Period, c. 1600–600 BCE
A Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CEA Chimu Spondyllus Duck Amulet, ca. 800 - 1400 CE
A Maya Jade Serpent Pendant, Classic Maya Period, ca. 500 - 800 CEA Maya Jade Serpent Pendant, Classic Maya Period, ca. 500 - 800 CE
An Egyptian Amethyst and Gold Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCEAn Egyptian Amethyst and Gold Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCE
A Roman Gold and Glass Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Roman Gold and Glass Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
Mixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CEMixtec Gold Frog, Classic Period, ca. 450 - 800 CE
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CETwo Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Two Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CETwo Judean Terracotta Oil Lamps, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A group of seven Roman fresco fragments, Roman Imperial, ca. 1st century AD
An Ottoman turquoise and garnet inlaid drop pendant, Ottoman Empire, ca. 15th - 17th centuryAn Ottoman turquoise and garnet inlaid drop pendant, Ottoman Empire, ca. 15th - 17th century
Mezcala M18 type Green Stone Figure, Late Preclassic Period, ca. 300 - 100 BCEMezcala M18 type Green Stone Figure, Late Preclassic Period, ca. 300 - 100 BCE
A Vintage King Tut Cartouche Pendant necklace, MMA 1976A Vintage King Tut Cartouche Pendant necklace, MMA 1976
A Vintage Hathor Pendant Necklace, MMA 1978, 1978A Vintage Hathor Pendant Necklace, MMA 1978, 1978
A Vintage Gold Plated Ankh Pendant Necklace, MMA 1976A Vintage Gold Plated Ankh Pendant Necklace, MMA 1976
An Egyptian Carnelian Poppy Bead Pendant, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Carnelian Poppy Bead Pendant, New Kingdom, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
A Persian Carnelian Dome Seal set as a Pendant, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCEA Persian Carnelian Dome Seal set as a Pendant, Achaemenid Empire, ca. 550 - 330 BCE
Roman Septimius Severus Silver Denarius, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 194 - 195 CERoman Septimius Severus Silver Denarius, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 194 - 195 CE
Roman Severina Silver Billon Antoninianus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 270 - 275 CERoman Severina Silver Billon Antoninianus, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 270 - 275 CE
A Roman Amethyst Bead Pendant, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st - 2nd century CE
Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976Vintage Gold-plated Charm Pendants on a Necklace, MMA 1976
A Vintage Scythian Gold-tone Stag Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 2000A Vintage Scythian Gold-tone Stag Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 2000
A Vintage Gold Plated Lotus Blossom Pendant, MMA 1976, 1976A Vintage Gold Plated Lotus Blossom Pendant, MMA 1976, 1976
A Vintage King Tut Gold-tone Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 1976A Vintage King Tut Gold-tone Pendant set as a necklace, MMA, 1976
A Vintage King Tut Silver and Brass Leopard Head Pendant, MMA, 1976A Vintage King Tut Silver and Brass Leopard Head Pendant, MMA, 1976
A Vintage Egyptian-Style Silver Shell pendant, MMA 1976, 1976A Vintage Egyptian-Style Silver Shell pendant, MMA 1976, 1976
An Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
A Vintage King Tut Silver Exhibition Ring, issued by MMA 1976.A Vintage King Tut Silver Exhibition Ring, issued by MMA 1976.
A fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CEA fine Andean Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1500 CE
An Egyptian Cowrie Shell Fertility Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCEAn Egyptian Cowrie Shell Fertility Pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCE
A Mesopotamian Hematite Weight in the Form of a Shell, Neo-Babylonian Period, ca. 600 - 400 BCEA Mesopotamian Hematite Weight in the Form of a Shell, Neo-Babylonian Period, ca. 600 - 400 BCE
A miniature Egyptian Breccia Model Vessel, Old Kingdom, ca. 2575 - 2134 BCEA miniature Egyptian Breccia Model Vessel, Old Kingdom, ca. 2575 - 2134 BCE
A Near Eastern Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 400 CEA Near Eastern Gold and Agate pendant, Parthian Empire, ca. 200 - 400 CE
A Near Eastern Stamp Seal, Late Neolithic Period, ca. 5300 - 5100 BCEA Near Eastern Stamp Seal, Late Neolithic Period, ca. 5300 - 5100 BCE
A good Roman Redware Platter, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA good Roman Redware Platter, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Redware Double Handled Pitcher, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CEA Roman Redware Double Handled Pitcher, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
A Roman Lead Sling Bullet from the time of Julius Caesar, Late Roman Republic, ca. 46 BCE
An Egyptian Faience Ithyphallic Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEAn Egyptian Faience Ithyphallic Amulet, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
An Egyptian Alabaster Miniature Amphora, Old Kingdom, ca. 2649 - 2150 BCEAn Egyptian Alabaster Miniature Amphora, Old Kingdom, ca. 2649 - 2150 BCE
An early Egyptian Alabaster Cosmetic Vessel, early Dynastic Period, Dynasty 1st - 3rd, ca. 3100 - 2613 BCEAn early Egyptian Alabaster Cosmetic Vessel, early Dynastic Period, Dynasty 1st - 3rd, ca. 3100 - 2613 BCE
A Costa Rican Jadeite Profile Monkey Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CEA Costa Rican Jadeite Profile Monkey Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CE
A large Cypriot White Slip Ware Milk Bowl, Late Bronze Age, ca. 1450 - 1250 BCEA large Cypriot White Slip Ware Milk Bowl, Late Bronze Age, ca. 1450 - 1250 BCE
A Byzantine Sgraffito ware footed cup, 14th century CEA Byzantine Sgraffito ware footed cup, 14th century CE

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