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A selection of great and unique gift ideas from Sands of Time

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190 products


A Costa Rican Jade Axe Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 500 - 800 CEA Costa Rican Jade Axe Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 500 - 800 CE
A rare Roman Gold Medical Curette, Late Roman - Byzantine Period, ca. 3rd - 8th century CEA rare Roman Gold Medical Curette, Late Roman - Byzantine Period, ca. 3rd - 8th century CE
A large Carthaginian Terracotta Sculpture of the Goddess Tanit, a, ca. 5th century BCEA large Carthaginian Terracotta Sculpture of the Goddess Tanit, a, ca. 5th century BCE
An Etrusco-Corinthian Piriform Aryballos, ca. 6th century BCEAn Etrusco-Corinthian Piriform Aryballos, ca. 6th century BCE
An Apulian Xenonware Skyphos, Southern Italy, ca. 4th century CEAn Apulian Xenonware Skyphos, Southern Italy, ca. 4th century CE
An Egyptian Bronze Situla, Early Ptolemaic Period, ca. 4th - 3rd century BCEAn Egyptian Bronze Situla, Early Ptolemaic Period, ca. 4th - 3rd century BCE
An Egyptian Early Dynastic Diorite Bowl, Early Dynastic Period, ca. 1st - 2nd Dynasty, ca. 3100 - 2689 BCEAn Egyptian Early Dynastic Diorite Bowl, Early Dynastic Period, ca. 1st - 2nd Dynasty, ca. 3100 - 2689 BCE
Two Egyptian Diorite Wedjat Amulets, set as earrings, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCETwo Egyptian Diorite Wedjat Amulets, set as earrings, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
An Egyptian Wood Canopic Jar for Duamutef, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, ca. 1976 - 1793 BCEAn Egyptian Wood Canopic Jar for Duamutef, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, ca. 1976 - 1793 BCE
An Etrusco-Corinthian Aryballos, Magna Graecia, ca. 6th century BCEAn Etrusco-Corinthian Aryballos, Magna Graecia, ca. 6th century BCE
An Egyptian Turquoise Faience Shabti, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCEAn Egyptian Turquoise Faience Shabti, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCE
A Near Eastern Marble Cylinder bead pendant, ca. 1st millennium BCEA Near Eastern Marble Cylinder bead pendant, ca. 1st millennium BCE
A Moche Effigy Vessel of a Figure Holding a Bird, Early Intermediate Period - Middle Horizon, ca. 200 - 900 CEA Moche Effigy Vessel of a Figure Holding a Bird, Early Intermediate Period - Middle Horizon, ca. 200 - 900 CE
A rare Egyptian Steatite Cylinder Seal with Anubis, Early Dynastic Period - Old Kingdom, ca.  3000 - 2750 BCEA rare Egyptian Steatite Cylinder Seal with Anubis, Early Dynastic Period - Old Kingdom, ca.  3000 - 2750 BCE
An Egyptian Greywacke Cosmetic Palette in the Form of a Bird, Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada II, ca. 3500 - 3300 BCEAn Egyptian Greywacke Cosmetic Palette in the Form of a Bird, Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada II, ca. 3500 - 3300 BCE
An Egyptian Glass Ear Plug Pendant Necklace, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCEAn Egyptian Glass Ear Plug Pendant Necklace, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, ca. 1550 - 1295 BCE
A large Italic Bronze Spectacle Fibula, Early Iron Age, ca. 10th – 7th century BCEA large Italic Bronze Spectacle Fibula, Early Iron Age, ca. 10th – 7th century BCE
A Late Roman Bronze Oil Lamp Filler, Late Roman Period, ca. 3rd century CEA Late Roman Bronze Oil Lamp Filler, Late Roman Period, ca. 3rd century CE
A Costa Rican Jadeite Bird-Celt Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 100 - 600 CEA Costa Rican Jadeite Bird-Celt Pendant, Early Classic Period, ca. 100 - 600 CE
A fine Egyptian Faience Winged Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCEA fine Egyptian Faience Winged Scarab, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
An Egyptian Bright Blue Faience Shabti for the Lady Djedkhonsuiwesankh, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCEAn Egyptian Bright Blue Faience Shabti for the Lady Djedkhonsuiwesankh, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 945 - 713 BCE
An Ottoman Turquoise and Gold Necklace, Ottoman Iznik Period, ca. 15th - 17th centuryAn Ottoman Turquoise and Gold Necklace, Ottoman Iznik Period, ca. 15th - 17th century
A rare Egyptian Glass Pomegranate Pendant, New Kingdom, Amarna Period , ca. 1353 - 1336 BCEA rare Egyptian Glass Pomegranate Pendant, New Kingdom, Amarna Period , ca. 1353 - 1336 BCE
A Costa Rican Jade Rectangular Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CEA Costa Rican Jade Rectangular Pendant, Classic Period, ca. 300 - 900 CE
A Tang Sancai Glazed Figure, Tang Dynasty, ca. 650 - 950 CEA Tang Sancai Glazed Figure, Tang Dynasty, ca. 650 - 950 CE
An Egyptian bright blue glazed shabti for Meret-Amun, 21st Dynasty, Thebes, Deir el Bahri Cache II, ca. 990 - 970 BCEAn Egyptian bright blue glazed shabti for Meret-Amun, 21st Dynasty, Thebes, Deir el Bahri Cache II, ca. 990 - 970 BCE
Goanna Dreaming, Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra (b. 1955), Exhibited.Goanna Dreaming, Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra (b. 1955), Exhibited.
SOLDA Pair of Byzantine Copper and Silver Chariot Fittings, Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 4th century CEA Pair of Byzantine Copper and Silver Chariot Fittings, Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 4th century CE
A fine Sinú Gold Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA fine Sinú Gold Bird Pendant, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A Veracruz Terracotta Dignitary Head, Early Classic Period, ca. 250 - 550 CEA Veracruz Terracotta Dignitary Head, Early Classic Period, ca. 250 - 550 CE
Egyptian Faience Rosette, New Kingdom, ca. 1295 - 1190 BCEEgyptian Faience Rosette, New Kingdom, ca. 1295 - 1190 BCE
A Roman Glass Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CEA Roman Glass Bottle, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st -  2nd century CE
Gold Earrings with Roman Amethyst Beads, Roman Imperial Period, ca 1st - 2nd century CEGold Earrings with Roman Amethyst Beads, Roman Imperial Period, ca 1st - 2nd century CE
A Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CEA Maya Tripod Plate with Maize God, Classic Maya Period, ca. 600 - 800 CE
A large Greco-Roman Bronze Mirror, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial, ca. 100 BCE – 100 CEA large Greco-Roman Bronze Mirror, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial, ca. 100 BCE – 100 CE
A Roman Fresco Wall Painting Fragment, Early Roman Imperial Period, ca. 15 BCE - 50 CEA Roman Fresco Wall Painting Fragment, Early Roman Imperial Period, ca. 15 BCE - 50 CE
A Cypriot terracotta Pitcher with bird, Cypro-Archaic I Period, ca 750-600 BCEA Cypriot terracotta Pitcher with bird, Cypro-Archaic I Period, ca 750-600 BCE
A Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Athens, Classical Period, ca. 440-404 BCEA Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Athens, Classical Period, ca. 440-404 BCE
An Exhibited Moche Vessel of a Muscovy Duck, Early Intermediate Period - Middle Horizon, ca. 200 - 900 CEAn Exhibited Moche Vessel of a Muscovy Duck, Early Intermediate Period - Middle Horizon, ca. 200 - 900 CE
SOLDA Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar Silver Denarius Pendant, Roman Republic, April-August 49 BCEA Roman Imperatorial Julius Caesar Silver Denarius Pendant, Roman Republic, April-August 49 BCE
An early Greek Clay Horse, Geometric Period, ca. 740-720 BCEAn early Greek Clay Horse, Geometric Period, ca. 740-720 BCE
A Costa Rican Stone Sukia Figure shown smoking, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA Costa Rican Stone Sukia Figure shown smoking, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CEA Byzantine Silver and Glass Pendant with Annunciation Scene, Byzantine Empire, ca. 11th - 12th century CE
A Costa Rican Green Serpentine Bola Ball, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA Costa Rican Green Serpentine Bola Ball, ca. 500 - 1000 CE
A Pre-Dynastic Nile-Clay Black Top Vessel, Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada I, ca. 3600 - 3300 BCEA Pre-Dynastic Nile-Clay Black Top Vessel, Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada I, ca. 3600 - 3300 BCE
An exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CEAn exceptional pair of Vintage Bulgari Gold Cufflinks with Roman Intaglios, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE
A Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CEA Roman Carnelian and Garnet Necklace with Amphora Shaped Pendants, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 2nd - 3rd century CE
A Chancay Atl Atl Counter Balance in the form of a Duck, ca. 500 - 1000 CEA Chancay Atl Atl Counter Balance in the form of a Duck, ca. 500 - 1000 CE

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