A Roman Black Gryllos Ringstone Intaglio, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price¥775,600 JPY
A Roman Carnelian Intaglio Ringstone, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price¥775,600 JPY
An Egyptian Amethyst Scaraboid, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2040 - 1783 BCE
Sale price¥462,300 JPY
An Egyptian Faience Wedjat Amulet set as a ring, Late Period, ca. 664 - 332 BCE
Sale price¥352,600 JPY
A Vintage King Tut Silver Exhibition Ring, issued by MMA 1976.
Sale price¥155,900 JPY
A fine Byzantine Gold Pearl Ring, Late Byzantine Period, ca. 6th century CE
Sale price¥932,300 JPY
A fine Roman Gold and Sardonyx Cameo Finger Ring, Roman Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE
Sale price¥861,800 JPY
A Medieval Silver Gilt Ring with Stones,
ca. 1100 - 1300 CE
Sale price¥274,200 JPY
ca. 1100 - 1300 CE
A Roman Gold Ring with Garnet Intaglio, Roman Imperial Period
Sale price¥783,500 JPY
A large Roman Silver Eye Agate Ring, ca. 3rd century CE
Sale price¥391,800 JPY
An Egyptian Gold and Jasper Ring Bezel, late 18th Dynasty, ca. 1479 - 1295 BCE
Sale price¥2,350,300 JPY
An Egyptian Faience Stirrup Ring, Third Intermediate Period, ca. 1069 - 945 BCE
Sale price¥274,200 JPY
A Roman Gold and Agate Finger Ring, ca. 2nd century CE
Sale price¥548,400 JPY
A Late Roman Silver Finger Ring, Late Roman Imperial Period, ca. 3rd - 5th century CE
Sale price¥188,100 JPY
An Egyptian Bronze Swivel Ring with Scarab Seal, 20-21st Dynasty, ca. 1190 - 945 BCE
Sale price¥305,600 JPY
A Thracian silver Apollonia Pontika drachm (ca. 400 - 350 BCE) set in a gold ring
Sale price¥352,600 JPY
An Egyptian Faience Openwork Ring, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1069-945 BCE
Sale price¥235,100 JPY
A fine Greek Earring for Eros, Hellenistic Period, ca. 2nd century CE
Sale price¥430,900 JPY
A Roman Intaglio of an Equestrian Warrior, ca 1st century CE
Sale price¥1,880,300 JPY