An Egyptian Carnelian Bead pendant, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2017 - 1750 BCE
With its graduating matrix, pale orange bands and blood-red inclusions, this carnelian bead is just superb! Hand-carved and polished over 4000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians, it is passionate but soothing, fiery and protective, mystical and metaphorical. Set on a modern 14K yellow gold pendant with an adjustable 14K yellow gold chain.
The Egyptians believed carnelian was endowed with magical powers; it caused the blood to circulate smoothly throughout the body, made the skin healthy and youthful, and was capable of warding off evil. Since wearing carnelian also makes one feel peaceful and slow to anger, it was theorized the color orange is the harmonious balance of passionate, creative red and bright, cheerful yellow, making it particularly soothing to wear.
Medium: Carnelian, modern 14K gold
Dimensions: Pendant drop length: 7/8 inch (2.22 cm). Bead diameter: 1/4 inch (0.6 cm). Strung on a 14K gold chain adjustable up to 18 inches.
Condition: Intact and in excellent condition ovrall
Provenance: Lenman/Stohlman collection assembled by the Washington D.C. socialite Miss Isobel H. Lenman (1845 - 1931), in the early 1900's on loan to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., between 1916 and 1921 (part).
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