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SKU: GP2101

An East Greek Wild Goat Fragmented Vessel, Orientalizing Period, ca. 6th century BCE

Sale price15,000 USD

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Painted pottery was produced in many regions of East Greece, such as North and South Ionia, Aioris, Samos, and Chios, and represents the most elaborate example of East Greek vase painting during the Orientalizing phase of the Archaic period.  The decoration employs an outline technique with figures that are freer in posture and composition and more elegant. In this example, the fragmentary body is decorated in umber on buff in two registers separated by broad stripes of dark paint with a frieze of grazing wild goats with high curving horns, and infilling motifs including dotted rosettes and semicircles. The lower part of the vessel is steadily occupied by a band of rays interspersed with small stars.

For the Wild Goat Style, see, Cook, R.M. East Greek Pottery (1997), Boardman,J. Early Greek vase painting (1998) pp.141-176, Cook, R.M. "The wild goat and Fikellura styles: some speculations" OJA 11 (1992) pp.255-266.  Schiering,W. Werkstätten orientalisierender Keramik auf Rhodos (1957), Kardara, Ch. Rodiaki Angeiographia (1963).

Condition: Fragmentary as shown with professional infill where required and excellent remaining decoration and polychrome.

Dimensions: Overall diameter: 10 inches (25.4 cm)

Provenance: Private collection of Curtis Brown, acquired in the 1970s, thereafter a private Virginia collection. 

An East Greek Wild Goat Fragmented Vessel, Orientalizing Period, ca. 6th century BCE
An East Greek Wild Goat Fragmented Vessel, Orientalizing Period, ca. 6th century BCE Sale price15,000 USD

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