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SKU: RT2404

Roman Redware Oil Lamp, Byzantine Period, ca. 4th - 5th century CE

Sale price1,200 USD

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An excellent redware lamp with two small filling holes and a long nozzle, the tondo decorated with a stylized dolphin in the center with a large round eye, open beak, pointed dorsal fin, and extended tail fins. The edge is decorated with a curving motif of alternating olive branches and tiled squares.

Roman redware from North Africa, also known as African Red Slip, thrived from the 1st - 5th centuries CE. It was the most widely distributed representative of the sigillata tradition in the late-Roman period, and occasional imports have been found as far afield as Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries. 

Medium: Terracotta

Dimensions: Length: 5 1/4 inches (13.3 cm). Height: 2 inches (5.08 cm)

Condition: Intact and in excellent condition.

Provenance: A.V. private collection, Virginia, acquired from the Brussels trade in the 1980s.

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Roman Redware Oil Lamp, Byzantine Period, ca. 4th - 5th century CE
Roman Redware Oil Lamp, Byzantine Period, ca. 4th - 5th century CE Sale price1,200 USD

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